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Enhance the Productivity and Satisfaction of Your Employees With Our EX Methods


Experience a New Level of Employee Satisfaction With Our Tailored EX Solutions – Benefiting Your Company and Employees

A great employee experience is about creating an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to grow. When people feel connected to their work and your company’s mission, they foster a culture of creativity and dedication. By investing in their employees, companies naturally see the positive effects ripple outward: lower turnover, stronger teamwork, and a more attractive employer brand that draws in top talent.

Prioritizing employee well-being and engagament nurtures the heart of your company, helping both your people and your organization thrive. A thoughtful and supportive employee experience not only helps your people thrive—it creates a more resilient, agile, and competitive organization.


Icon of a person and 3 stars underneath
Icon with five hands forming a circle
Icon of a calendar and a check box
Icon showing stacked coins
Icon of a person pointing at a light bulb


Particularly committed business units achieve a difference of +10% in customer ratings and +18% in sales - Gallup, 2021


Studies show that employees who report positive experiences are 16 times more engaged than those with negative experiences and eight times more likely to stay with the organisation - McKinsey, 2020


Attendance and retention: Engaged employees are motivated to show up to work and work harder - highly motivated business units see a -81% difference in absenteeism - Gallup, 2021


Companies that invest heavily in employee experience are four times more profitable than companies that do not - Jakob Morgan, 2017


Companies in the top quartile of employee experience are twice as innovative as those in the bottom quartile - MIT CISR Research, 2017

Icon of a smartphone a a medical cross in a speech bubble


Every craftsman is only as good as his tools - and every employee is only as good as the applications they use.

In the modern working world, these are not only intranets, learning systems or project management platforms, but also customized internal systems that are specifically tailored to the requirements of your company. Whether it is the digitalization of paper processes or the further development of existing work systems - we help you to test, optimize and adapt these tools so that they support your employees in the best possible way.

Nexthink found out that 89% of employees consider DEX (extremely) important for their work satisfaction. Furthermore, they found out that unreliable IT and IT equipment are the third most important factor for employee turnover and burnout and 66% of employees report that IT disruptions have led to problematic situations with customers or business partners in the past.

Our human-centered design process ensures that these tools can be used intuitively and efficiently. Through targeted testing and customization, we ensure that your employees are optimally supported and can increase their productivity. With "Digital EX", we design a digital working environment that not only functions smoothly, but also promotes the satisfaction and commitment of your employees in the long term.


We use a variety of methods from experience research to collect and synthesize data to enable important business decisions that are based on reliable data. This mix of methods can be tailored to the organizations' needs in close collaboration with all relevant stakeholders.  

Icon with stickfigure with raised arms and a speech bubble above their heads with a question mark in it


1-on-1 deep dive user interviews


Focus groups

Requirement analysis

Stakeholder workshops & interviews

Contextual Inquiries

Employee journey maps

Icon with consecutive arrows in the shape of a circle


Co-creation workshop

Ecosystem or touchpoint maps


Presentation board with geometric shapes on it


Employee Experience workshops

Process description

Team alignment

Icon with a bar chart


Employee Experience & Engagement KPIs

Employee surveys

HCO score maturity analysis


Icon of two stick figures sitting at a table with a laptop


An outstanding employee experience goes far beyond digital tools and encompasses the entire organization.

We offer customized solutions to optimize the organizational employee experience, taking into account all aspects of your company structure and culture. Our human-centered design process ensures that every measure focuses on the needs of your employees and contributes to a positive employee experience. 


Through a variety of research methods such as interviews, employee surveys, employee journeys, ethnographies and collaborative design workshops, we collect valuable data about your employees' needs, problems and motivations. This data analysis helps us to identify targeted potential for improvement and develop customized solutions that harmonize with your company's goals, values and corporate culture.


Our iterative approach actively involves your employees and ensures continuous optimization. Whether it's implementing smooth workflows, improving communication processes or adapting leadership styles, we create a work environment that fosters engagement and satisfaction and drives your organization forward.


The Employee Journey is a structured method to design and optimize the entire experience of an employee within the company. This experience starts with the first contact during the recruitment process and includes onboarding, professional development, daily interactions, and ends with the exit. Visually, the Employee Journey is often represented as a map or diagram that illustrates the various phases and touchpoints. At each of these points, the needs and expectations of employees are analyzed to develop targeted improvement measures. Typical phases include onboarding, continuous feedback, career development, and the exit. The Employee Journey can also be created for various roles or subsections in a journey to enhance the employee experience in a targeted manner. By thoroughly capturing and optimizing these steps, a positive work environment is fostered, employee retention is strengthened, and satisfaction is increased.

Employee Journey map with various steps from recruitment until offboarding, the personal experience with emojies, opportunities and KPIs


Validating a Mobile Patient Monitoring Solution for HCPs




Summative usability test


5 weeks


A medical device manufacturer wanted to conduct a validation study to determine if the use of their mobile patient monitoring solution was safe and effective for the intended users in the intended use environment.

Our task was to evaluate if nurses and physicians of different specialties could operate the interface (desktop & mobile) to locate different parameters and to  recognize malfunctions and notifications.


  • 90-minute face-to-face sessions with n = 15 nurses and n = 15 physicians in a simulated hospital office use environment.

  • Participants were asked to perform different use scenarios with the software, including knowledge-based tasks.

  • Performance evaluation based on pre-defined acceptance criteria.

  • Root cause probing for any observed use difficulties.


The mobile patient monitor system could be used safely and effectively by the intended users. Some remaining issues with notifications and alarms were discovered.

  • uintent delivered a summary report together with the data collection sheet, with recommendations to mitigate the existing risks from the issues encountered.

  • The writing of the HFE report remained with the client.

Validating a Mobile Patient Monitoring Solution for HCPs




Summative usability test


5 weeks


A medical device manufacturer wanted to conduct a validation study to determine if the use of their mobile patient monitoring solution was safe and effective for the intended users in the intended use environment.

Our task was to evaluate if nurses and physicians of different specialties could operate the interface (desktop & mobile) to locate different parameters and to  recognize malfunctions and notifications.


  • 90-minute face-to-face sessions with n = 15 nurses and n = 15 physicians in a simulated hospital office use environment.

  • Participants were asked to perform different use scenarios with the software, including knowledge-based tasks.

  • Performance evaluation based on pre-defined acceptance criteria.

  • Root cause probing for any observed use difficulties.


The mobile patient monitor system could be used safely and effectively by the intended users. Some remaining issues with notifications and alarms were discovered.

  • uintent delivered a summary report together with the data collection sheet, with recommendations to mitigate the existing risks from the issues encountered.

  • The writing of the HFE report remained with the client.

Validating a Mobile Patient Monitoring Solution for HCPs




Summative usability test


5 weeks


A medical device manufacturer wanted to conduct a validation study to determine if the use of their mobile patient monitoring solution was safe and effective for the intended users in the intended use environment.

Our task was to evaluate if nurses and physicians of different specialties could operate the interface (desktop & mobile) to locate different parameters and to  recognize malfunctions and notifications.


  • 90-minute face-to-face sessions with n = 15 nurses and n = 15 physicians in a simulated hospital office use environment.

  • Participants were asked to perform different use scenarios with the software, including knowledge-based tasks.

  • Performance evaluation based on pre-defined acceptance criteria.

  • Root cause probing for any observed use difficulties.


The mobile patient monitor system could be used safely and effectively by the intended users. Some remaining issues with notifications and alarms were discovered.

  • uintent delivered a summary report together with the data collection sheet, with recommendations to mitigate the existing risks from the issues encountered.

  • The writing of the HFE report remained with the client.

Pile of Newspapers

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Laura Arndt is an expert in employee experience and understands that satisfied employees are the foundation for successful companies. With her expertise in UX and a holistic view of culture and processes, she brings a breath of fresh air to organizations. Her goal: to create changes that benefit both employees and companies and have a long-term positive impact on the world of work.

Tara Bosenick brings years of experience and passion for the most important thing in any organization: people. With a background in sociology and a successful career in user experience, she helps international companies create work environments where employees thrive. Because for Tara, one thing is certain: satisfied employees are the key to success.

We are also part of the Hello.Beta family. Visit the Hello.Beta Hub to learn more about our shared vision and become a family member today!

Tara Bosenick, EX expert
Laura Arndt, EX expert



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