We are part of ReSight Global, uniting the best UX professionals world-wide under one roof

Most of our clients are global players who cannot be well-served by a local agency only. About two-thirds of our work is international. We have executed studies in 68 countries on all continents (except Antarctica 😉).

Resight Global Group

We consider our global footprint one of our biggest assets

We are co-owned with our sister companies under one umbrella company, resight global. Our sister companies are:


resight global and its local companies were founded by Tim Bosenick, Gavin Lew, Korey Johnson, Robert Schumacher, and Wolfgang Waxenberger. All five have been working together since 2005, when they co-founded the UXalliance, which, at the time, was the first global network of local leading UX agencies. Later they founded a UX joint venture in China, then sold their companies to build one of the largest UX teams in the world within one company. resight global and its local companies were privately funded and thus are not ruled or influenced by any outside investors. We nurture international (virtual and physical) exchange among our employees. We constantly share our experiences and thus get better every day.


The UXalliance

UXalliance is the world’s largest and most qualified user experience network. Our partners and affiliates are located all over the world and conduct research across all five continents and in more than 50 countries. With UXalliance, we help you minimize logistical headaches, lower your project management overhead, and reduce costs by offering one single point of contact for global research. One point of control also means faster results and a stronger commitment to your needs and expectations.

When working internationally, we usually proceed as follows:

We run the full study – including local moderation – ourselves in German- and English-speaking countries and use local partners for logistical support, only. This procedure ensures the highest data quality as no information is lost between the moderator and the project team. And, in most cases, it is also the most cost-efficient approach.

We use consultants from our sister companies for local work. Since we collaborate all year, communication is effective and immediate. They have the same quality standards as we do, and costs are fair as we belong to the same parent company.

We work with our partners from the UXalliance, one of the largest global UX research networks in the world, which we also co-founded in 2005. The cooperation with these companies is excellent thanks to a long-lasting relationship, which is also maintained with monthly calls, bi-annual quality reviews, and annual in-person meetings.

We strive to always be onsite during fieldwork (regardless of the country), to ensure quality and consistency. However, if this is not possible due to budget or time constraints, our setup still ensures the best possible outcome for you.



Enough about us, let's talk about you!

Our preferred contact channels are carrier pigeons and smoke signs. But we believe in listening to client needs, so we have also set up a phone number and an e-mail address!