Research goes on: uintent takes steps to help ensure global user research during times of COVID-19

The resight global companies have been keeping a close eye on the COVID-19 situation and we do our best to continue providing user research to support our client’s development efforts. As the COVID-19 situation develops, all reisght global companies will stay abreast of those developments and take steps to manage the potential impact to research.



Generally, uintent will adhere to the latest travel regulations related to the virus. This is an evolving situation, so the developments in Germany will be monitored regularly, and the feasibility of project plans (including, but not limited to travel) on a case-by-case basis will be assessed.

Currently, aside from restricting travel, uintent and our partner company Bold Insight in the US are proceeding with business as usual with a number of common-sense adjustments:

  • For clients with travel restrictions, and in general, uintent offers live streaming to reduce or eliminate the need for all stakeholders to travel and observe research in person.
  • When practical, remote moderated sessions are being recommended if research objectives can be achieved equally.
  • uintent researchers are also building in COVID-19 screening questions into pre-screeners and on-site protocols where appropriate.

For more information on remote moderated testing, read the latest blog:Remote moderated testing: An alternative for face-to-face user research during COVID-19 by Korey Johnson, MD at Bold Insight or contact us! We are happy to discuss with you the options to conduct the research necessary for your successful product.


Jan Panhoff

Jan begann seine Tätigkeit als UX-Profi im Jahr 2004 nach Abschluss seines M.Sc. in Digitalen Medien. 10 Jahre lang unterstützte er eBay als Embedded UX-Berater. Seine Schwerpunkte bei uintent liegen in der Automobil- und Innovationsforschung.

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